Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear Sir,

I don't know how I can express my thanks sir. I may never be able to truly tell you how much appreciation I have for you.
Many have tried and tried to use me. Many have tried to make into something I would never be.
You however, have always accepted my wanderings and unsureties. You treated me like family. Your assuring tone and ever ready to listen attitude has not gone unnoticed.
I in fact respect you in such a way that I have never respected a man in this world. I know that men disappoint. However with your humble ways and peaceful character. I see a person I can model and only hope to have a small part of you in me.

We don't get to choose those who are family in this life. God chooses that in his wisdom. However in the church we have a spiritual family. To me in the spiritual family I consider you as to an Father or an Uncle.

You have given so much and you continue to give.
I thank God for you daily and pray that many more will be affected by your love and gentleness.
My hat is off to you Sir.

1 comment:

  1. I can think of a few men in the church that fit this post. It brings tears to my eyes to see that you are wise enough to appreciate these earthly fathers that God has blessed us with.
