Saturday, September 11, 2010

Memorial Prayers

To those departed ones who lost their lives on this day.
I cannot possibly imagine the terror that you experienced that day.
I only hope that you made peace with our creator before that fateful day.
Not to discount the departed ones who lost their lives on that fateful day of 9-11-2001. But life is for the living. In my opinion funerals are for the living and not the dead; the same can be said for memorial services such as today.

So to you the survivor...
I pray you have found peace with our creator. I pray that you have been able to pick up from this horrific experience and live a life full of opportunity once again.
I pray that you have been able through this to learn about God and His Sovereignty.
I pray that you have not let this day affect you in a negative way.
I pray that you do not leave home without kissing your spouse, and hugging your kids. I pray that you visit your aging mother as often as you can.

To the Family's affected by this day...
I pray that you have rebuilt your life from the loss of those around you.
I pray that you give all you can to those around you.
I pray that you live life to the fullest and embrace all that life brings.
I also pray that you find peace with our Creator Jesus.

May this day be one that we remember not for what was lost. (Not that we forget that.) Rather may this day be remembered for the decisions we made because of this experience or those alike.
May we never forget those who were lost 9/11/2001
-Nate 9/11/2010
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