Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Ridiculed and cast out.
That is your life
There is none you call friend.
Family is a waste of your time to depend on, they have failed you time after time.
You raise your voice.
You push and you fight your way to the front.
You make sure everyone knows you exist.
Yet they hate you.
You steal and lie to survive.

You must hold some type of status at home to remain in good standing.
You tell what you must.
You tell them what they want to hear to keep them all happy.
Though deep within its all an act.

Now you are face with a predicament.
There is another who chooses to extend love.
One who no matter what is there for you.
One who you can rely on.
And even when you reject their graciousness, they don't stop loving.
No one has ever loved you.
No one has ever cared about you, they have only cared about what you do to them.
What will you do?
Only time will tell for you.
I am praying you will make the right decision.

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