Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cold Warmth

Imagine a place where the cold rips through your coat. Where there is no comfort from the wind. Imagine there is no friends around you. Imagine you are in a place you have never been before. A place that is in fact a wasteland. Nothing seems to save you from this hole. This hole in fact seems as black as the blackest night.
That is where I am tonight...

I am surrounded by my few earthly possessions. I have not talked to a soul in three days except for a halfhearted hello.
I scream from this hole for hope of acceptance.
The sky is dark and empty. The stars seem to to laugh at my very existence. The air is so cold it seems to freeze on my face.

Somebody please come and offer me a drink!

I am so desperate for warmth I cry out to a passerby for pity. They simply pretend I never said anything and move on past.

What will it take to get someone to notice my pitiful plea for warmth in this almost desolate place?

Never mind...
My only option for survival is to pretend that its all unreal. To turn a blind eye to the cold and create a false warmth within.
Its OK really because its so cold I have frozen, and the cold is warmer than any warmth that has been offered to me.. .