Here we stand, ready to take off into this race.
You have been given the best knowledge and gear to get you through. Now the only thing that will keep you from winning the prize will be your own pride.
If you run to fast you will trip, you must pace yourself. Remember you must climb the mountain before you race to the bottom. In this race its not about who finishes first rather the one who finishes well.
Many will meet their end in this race, some will maim, steal, rape, cheat and murder their fellow competitors to win. Watch out for these.
Some will give everything they have away to their fellows, these will sadly die before they reach the first mile. Because they have left nothing for themselves.
You son must follow my directions exactly as I state them to survive this horrid race that all those like us must run.
Take all that is given to you, but be wary of the poisons. Give with your heart,m not with your head. Never give anyone all you have or you will be nothing to them. Always have more than what you show. Take few shortcuts. Run clean and straight, never taking your eyes from the goal. You must never forget why you run.
If you follow these simple instructions you will survive the race my son.
The race is beginning now son. Run as if your life depended on it, for it does.
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