I find you interesting, yet at the same time I find you aggravating. Don't get me wrong I respect you as I respect my own Father. You are in fact like a Father to me. You have been there to counsel me and love me through many trials. I just don't understand your thinking.
I respect everything that you say, and I know you have purpose in your ways.
Why is it that what you say rubs me the wrong way?
What I want to do is not what you say I should do.
What I do is not what you would want me to do.
You treat me as a child, though the rest of the world sees me as a man. Possibly it is because I am able to be more open with those who are family to me, as you are. I am sure in your wisdom you can see many things that I cannot.
But I question your thinking.
Why is it when many around me tell me one thing, you say another?
Is it because you are trying to be different?
Or it is because you see something in me that no one else does?
Men of great character and respect guide me in paths that you instruct to not tread.
You are indeed the most frustrating person I know!
I choose to listen because, maybe there is a truth in what you say. Maybe just maybe you have the key to my confusion in this messy world. If only you would be straight with me. Then I would know the way in which I must go.I would listen, for I respect you as much as I would a prophet.
So give me your wisdom respected one.
I am listening.
Why are you silent with me?
Why do you never ask, why I am where I am?
Where are you now?
You have abandoned me to live this reality without your once sought after counsel. I will never ask for it though. For I have been burned alive by the experiences that came from your guidance.
I returned unto your place as charred piece of paper that flies into the night air and returns to the ground.
Come now respected one and help me in this place. You choose to help the masses and forget the one who would do anything for you.
Until you come to me I will take this path, subliminally maybe that is what you are saying to me to do. So I will remain here in your place until the day that you tell me different.
Why? Why would you go back to a place and person who lead you to pain and now ignores you? I don't understand